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Ad planning

Although ways of advertising have dramatically changed in recent years, the ultimate goal remains unchanged. Companies compete to gain more customers and advertising is their main tool for convincing potential customers. Nowadays advertising is even a more powerful tool because technology makes it super easy to personalize ads. Companies are now able to make personalized ad campaigns and approach directly to each individual customer to satisfy his/her individual interests and needs.


For this purpose, most companies keep personal records of their customer. Each time a customer interacts with a seller to purchase a product by browsing the online store, or searching for a specific product, the seller records all the data and builds customer profiles. Once the profile is built for a specific customer, the seller knows a great deal about him/her, e.g., how much he/she would be willing to pay for a certain product, when will he/she make his/her next purchase, what type of products he/she would be interested etc.


Once the seller has all this information, it is possible to target the right customer at the right time with the right product and with the right ad campaign. This way, companies both spend their ad budget as efficiently as possible, and also maximize the ROI.


Predy plays the key role in this type of personalized ad planning. By using Predy, you can analyze your customer database to create customer profiles and also design your personalized ads by using Predy’s predictions for future customer behavior. Predy can also be customized for your specific needs such as finding the right customer-product match for cross-selling purposes.